-Nice job on Friday night. The weather didn't seem to be an issue. Thank you Class of 2014 for four seasons of hard work.
-Lab Band: After school today.
-The Floridian Jazz Project: 7:30 tonight.
-WS sectionals: Shaker Dance.
-Playoffs: We are at home. The game will be Friday night at 7:00, so our usual schedule. Solve conflicts TODAY!
-Pie Fundraiser is due today.
-Auditions should be finished today. If you haven't been heard, make an appointment ASAP.
-MVPs for Friday: Erin Falsey, Felicity Muldoon, Jonah Kaufmann, Becca Kassner, Ellie O'Connell.
-Send-off tomorrow: WS/SB leave class at 8:10 am tomorrow.