Sectionals: Low brass AND TRUMPETS today. Work on U of I tunes. Flutes tomorrow. Make sure to fill out an attendance form.
BIG BAND: Tentatively scheduled for Friday. We will update you tomorrow. Plan on being outside in individual band periods Thursday.
Variety Show Auditions: after school today and tomorrow! If you have an idea for an act, come out and audition! Signup is on the bulletin board outside the music department. See Mr. I with questions.
Band Online Store: the 2016 show shirt is now available! Click here! More items will be added later this week. If you want the shirt by Homecoming make sure to get your orders in by this Friday, September 9th!
First Day Fundraisers: will be delivered next Thursday, September 15th. Please make plans to pick up items after school.
Missing $: Mapp ($47+11), McDonald ($30), Minard ($71).
Friday's Game: Call-time for woodwinds and brass is 5:45. Percussion call time is 4:30. Early is on time!
Saturday's U of I Band Day: Call-time is 9:45am.
IOUs: these must be paid by the end of the week. Every Monday, we add interest.
WS: DBurke ($10), Godana ($3), Iwin ($4), Walter ($5).
SB: DeCarlo ($5), Faitz ($3), Hahn ($7), Rogalski ($3), Safakas ($3), Schluckbier ($4).
Cadet: Cruz ($2), Hume ($11), Husain ($6), Lopez ($3).
CB: Jorgensen ($4 + shirt), Killinger ($3).