Sectionals: saxes and horns today. Work on GOOD FUNDAMENTALS (tone, intonation) and Smells Like Teen Spirit (on sorting rack). Percussion tonight at 7pm. Make sure to fill out an attendance form.
BIG BAND: only Friday this week.
Music Mosaic Concert: Come and hear the Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra, and Concert Choir in their first performance of the year this Thursday, September 15 at 7pm in the auditorium! Free admission. Chamber groups from all 3 programs will also be featured! Tell your friends and family! WS call time is 6:30.
First Day Fundraisers: will be delivered THIS Thursday, September 15th. Please make plans to pick up items after school.
Missing $: Mapp ($47+11), McDonald ($30).
IOUs: these must be paid by the end of the week. Every Monday, we add interest.
WS: DBurke ($11), Hinz ($3), Iwin ($5).
SB: DeCarlo ($6), Faitz ($4), Hahn ($8), Rogalski ($4).
Cadet: Black ($3), Lopez ($4).
CB: Killinger ($4), Worthem ($3).