Happy Arts Alive Week!
Band Online Store: is open! Lots of new offerings for Saxon Wear including our New Orleans Trip Shirts! Please click HERE to get to the store! If you're ordering for the trip, you must order before 12/6 in order to receive it before break. You can select "PICK UP AT MY SCHOOL" for free shipping or you may pay to have the items shipped elsewhere.
4 Rehearsals left until the Holiday Band Concerts! Ticket sales will begin Wednesday. All tickets are $5. CB/SB: your call time is 6pm to rehearse Jingle Bells Forever as a combined group.
First Pep Band Game Saturday: 5pm call time. Theme is flannel/hard hats for Tom Mussell Night.
New Orleans Music: If you didn't pick up a packet last week - check the part assignments on the board, then pick up your copies on the sorting rack.
New Orleans Rehearsal: Saturday, December 12th from 1pm-4pm. Make sure it's on your calendar.
Schoology: reminder - all bands have an assignment due this Wednesday at 4pm.
Sectionals: All auditorium sectionals will be moved to the vestibule for the week due to Arts Alive performances.
WS: our Winter Tour will be all day next Friday, December 11th. Mr. Greg Tipps will be here to do a clinic with the band 1st/2nd period, followed by performances at Aldrin and Hale Elementary Schools. Detailed itinerary to follow.
Percussion Orders: Kraemer: $21.50, Humphrey: $71.50, Perez: $69.50, Worthem $71.50, Young: $41.
Pink Glove IOUs: DeCarlo ($4), Minard ($4).
IOUs (these need to be paid within the week - we add interest for Adopt-A-Family every Monday):
WS: None!
SB: Anderson ($10), Monzon ($6.50), Singh ($11), Percussion ($6).
Cadet: De Leon ($11), Dwyer ($13), Rogalski ($9).
CB: Allen ($14), Bartgen ($7), Salgado ($11).