Welcome Back and Happy 2015!
Jazzers: 3:00 Monday Jazz Lab Band Rehearsal. 7:00 Monday Jazz Ensemble. Combos after school Wednesday (all 3-5pm). Dr. Michael Stryker (Professor of Jazz Piano at Western Illinois University) will be here Wednesday afternoon to work with the combos. All are welcome to sit in and observe.
Pep Band: two games this weekend. Friday @ 6:30 - girls v. Fremd. Saturday @ 5:00 - boys v. Ridgewood.
Auditions: begin Monday. All must be heard before finals next week. If you have period 1/2/6/8 free, we need you to sign up for a time outside of class (you pick the day). Private lesson extra credit sheets are due by the end of finals.
Honors Orchestra Auditions: Monday during 3rd period. Good luck!
Sectionals will resume at beginning of 2nd semester.
IHSA Solo and Ensemble Festival: if you are going to Solo and Ensemble festival, you should have a piece selected by now. If not, you need one by the end of this week. Reminder, this is a class project for WS/SB. We will do event registration later this week. Solo and Ensemble Festival is Saturday, March 7th at Lake Zurich High School.
Section Leaders: I have a gig for you guys this Wednesday during 1st hour. Meet in band room at 7:50am.
Upcoming Performances: Wind Symphony plays at the SHS/D54 Band-O-Rama on Wednesday, January 21st (7 rehearsals including all of this week). ALL BANDS are playing at the Pep Band Concert on Monday, January 26th.
IOUs - WS:
IOUs - SB: Sandoval ($3), Staudt ($3).
IOUs - Cadet: Tamason ($7).
IOUs - CB: Lopez ($26.75), Mallett ($2.50).