D211 Honors Orchestra: congratulations to all! By all accounts, it was a fantastic concert on Saturday. We hope you had a great experience.
Jazzers: Lab Band Tuesday 3-5, Sextet Tuesday 5-6, Ensemble Tuesday 7-9, Quintet Wednesday 3-4.
Pep Band: Last game this Saturday. Call time is 5pm. Theme is Black Out.
Percussion: Spring Training Thursday 7-9 in the auditorium.
IHSA Solo and Ensemble: Fill out the goal chart will be posted in the hallway. We are now on Week 4 of 6. Double check performance times. We need to know about any conflicts by Wednesday. In-class performances begin February 29th (schedule coming soon).
CSO Field Trip on Wednesday, February 24th: As of Tuesday morning, the following forms are still MIA. Forms must be turned in by Wednesday at 3pm or you forfeit your spot.
WS: Christensen, Deluca, Foret, Homa, Honesty, Mainock, Montalvo, Schluckbier.
SB: Berg, Feucht, Jamkatel, Nevarez, Worsham, Worthem.
Cadet: Graham, Hessian, Ray.
Sectionals: SB/CB/Cadet this week. If there is not a director at your sectional, make sure to fill out a sectional attendance form. Due to Friday's half-day, all Friday sectionals will be on Thursday this week.
IOUs (these need to be paid within the week - we add interest for Adopt-A-Family every Monday):
All debts must be paid before going on the CSO trip.
SB: Anderson ($16), Singh ($17).
Cadet: De Leon ($17), Franco ($5), Sharma ($30), Thomsen ($2.50)