Jazzers: Good first meeting yesterday. We will rehearse for the next two Mondays, and jazz band auditions will take place on Monday, September 29. Homecoming Jazz Ensemble - work on the five charts we decided upon last night.
Market Day: Today! Help out after school and have some fun. Sign up on whiteboard. Meet here right after school.
Saxophone and Horn Sectionals Today: work on Salute and Chicago music. Percussion 7pm Tuesday. Low Brass Wednesday. Flutes Thursday. Clarinets Friday.
ILMEA Auditionees: Sign up on whiteboard.
Big Band: only Friday this week.
Missing Uniform Contracts and Money: Kaufmann (contract only), Pawlikowski (both).
IOUs: Allen ($7), Baker ($5), Bartgen ($4), Bochenek ($5), M. Brito ($3), Chang ($4), Choi ($4), Courtney ($5), Fledderman ($3), Garwood ($4), Grasse ($4), Gniech ($46), Grimm ($5), K. Grubb ($2), Iwin ($5), Kitlinski ($4), Montalvo ($5), Novak ($3), Paton ($5), J. Reyna ($4), Rosinski ($11), Scheer ($1), Shachter ($5), Sorg ($4), Szymoniak ($4), Thakkar ($35), Vaporis ($4.50), Warren ($4), Wirtz ($4), Worsham ($51+$1+4), Wright ($3). ALL SNARES ($11.62), ALL TENORS ($23.75), ALL CYMBALS ($15).