-Congratulations SMB for winning the "Best High School Band" trophy in yesterday's Septemberfest Parade. You looked and sounded awesome.
-Fundraiser orders/money due in today.
-Sectionals: Saxes. Work on Bicycles & Closer. Memorized.
-Online store orders are here: Groenwold, Legner, O'Connell, Pakan, Prabhakar, Schluckbier, Wagner, Zagorski.
-Uniforms: Marks, Lemar, Chang, Haffner. Take 'em home TODAY!
-Shoes: Gonzales, Agopian
-DryFit shirts: Schmaus, Zagorski, Staudt
-Horns: Bring in concert horns on Thurs.
-Jazzers: Reading band starts on Monday. See Mr. I for audition materials.
-OUTBACK PAYMENTS: Don't bring in anymore money until further notice. Check coard for updated account balance. We should all be at $1100. If not, get it in by Sept. 15th.
-Parade attendance: Forget to sign in??? See Mr. I ASAP.
-MVPs for the PARADE: Mikey Mayer and Jaimie Spahr.