Thank you all for a great last week. Powderpuff, Godzilla Band Rehearsal, Homecoming Coronation, Spirit Rally, Pre-Game and Halftime was a very busy week!
MVPs: Vincent Chang, Radek Czech, Dean Fay, Ethan Garratt, Keneni Godana, Christian Monzon, Brendan Warzynski, Kevin Yuen, Karsten Zielinski.
WS + Pawlikowski: Take home your uniforms on the rack.
Garratt, Krueger, Lober: please put away all of the 8th grade equipment before you leave today.
Jazzers: final reading band after school. 3-4pm sectionals led by lead players. 4-5pm rehearsal. Auditions next Monday.
V-Show Auditions: sign up for auditions on the school website. Auditions are tomorrow 3-7pm and Wednesday 3-4pm. Mr. Inendino is one of the directors - see him with questions.
Online Store is open. Click here. Store closes tomorrow! Check out the Chicago shirt! It's very cool!
Trumpet Sectionals Today: work on NIU music (on sorting rack). Saxes and Horns Tuesday. Percussion Tuesday 7pm. Low Brass Wednesday. Flutes Thursday. Clarinets Friday.
Tuba Christmas: informational meeting after school tomorrow.
C. Anderson, Lewis, Reyna, Washington: turn in your old uniform pants.
IOUs: Allen ($8), Baker ($5), Bartgen ($5), Binder ($3), Costa ($4), Courtney ($4), Di Sandro ($2), Krueger ($3), Montalvo ($6), Novak ($4), Pawlikowski ($3), Radons ($3), Sangani ($2), Scheer ($2), Shachter ($5), Singh ($3), Urbanowicz ($3), Vaporis ($4), Warren ($5), Worsham ($51+$1+5), C. Zielinski ($8). ALL SNARES ($11.62), ALL TENORS ($23.75), ALL CYMBALS ($15).