Big Band: TODAY. Don't forget. De-Case outside.
ALL HORNS GO HOME FOR THE WEEKEND. A lot of music out right now. Get practicing.
Powderpuff Pep Band: 5:45pm call time Monday. Come play in the stands for Monday night's powderpuff game. Game is 6-7pm.
Wind Symphony: Please take home your uniforms if they are on the rack.
Online Store is open. Find the link on the Home page. Store closes on the 23rd.
Jazzers: We will rehearse Monday 3-4pm, and jazz band auditions will take place on Monday, September 29.
Homecoming Jazz Ensemble: work on In the Mood, Mood Indigo, Second Line, Stardust, Swingin' the Blues. We rehearse Monday immediately after the powderpuff game. Also, dress rehearsal will be Wednesday night 7-9pm.
ILMEA Auditionees: see me if not signed up.
Clarinet Sectionals Today: work on Salute and Saturday in the Park. Trumpets Monday.
C. Anderson, Hughes, Lewis, Reyna, Stribling, Washington: turn in your old uniform pants.
Missing Uniform Contracts and Money: Pawlikowski.
See Mr. I: Kaufmann, Mallett, Pawlikowski.
IOUs: Allen ($7), Baker ($5), Bartgen ($4), Bochenek ($5), M. Brito ($3), Courtney ($5), Fledderman ($3), Grimm ($5), Iwin ($5), Kitlinski ($4), Montalvo ($5), Monzon ($2.50), Novak ($3), Paton ($5), J. Reyna ($4), Scheer ($1), Shachter ($5), Thakkar ($35), Vaporis ($4.50), Warren ($4), Wirtz ($4), Worsham ($51+$1+4), Wright ($3). ALL SNARES ($11.62), ALL TENORS ($23.75), ALL CYMBALS ($15)