Addendum - MVP from this Weekend: Ashlee Gniech.
Jazz Ensemble/V-Show Drumline/Jazz Quintet: after school today and tomorrow 3-7pm. Bring will have plenty of downtime. Turn in V-Show yellow cards if you haven't already.
Jazz Lab Band: first rehearsal Monday 3-5pm.
Sectionals This Week: work on audition materials (freshmen and upperclassmen split up). Low Brass Wednesday. Flutes Thursday. Clarinets Friday. This will be the last week of sectionals this quarter.
Auditions: Auditions begin Monday. Private lesson forms are available at the front of the room. These must be submitted by Monday, October 27th. Upperclassmen check out Schoology pages for reference recordings.
Variety Show: come check out this year's Variety Show, Carpe Diem: Saxons Seize the Day, this Friday and Saturday at 7pm. Lots of bandos will be performing. Tickets can be purchased at the door ($5 students/$7 adults).
IOUs - WS: Dave ($4), Deelsnyder ($2), Krueger ($3), C. Zielinski ($8).
IOUs - SB: Brossard ($6), Cortes ($3), Costa ($4), Jarvis ($4), Ross ($11.62), Walton ($4).
IOUs - Cadet: Baker ($5), Binder ($3), Courtney ($4), Fernando ($4), Fledderman ($3), Garwood ($2.50), Greenberg ($4), King ($4), Khan ($4), Nykiel ($4), O'Mera ($3), Safakas ($6.50), Singh ($5.50), Strohmeier ($2), Tamason ($4), Wood ($4).
IOUs - CB: Allen ($12), Lopez ($3), Mallett ($2.50), Montalvo ($6), Pawlikowski ($3), Shachter ($5), Urbanowicz ($3), Worsham ($60).