ILMEA Results: Congratulations to Leilah Petit (flute) and Patrick Ward (jazz trombone) for making ILMEA District 7! This is one of the most competitive districts in the country. Give them a high five today!
Big Band: Today. De-Case outside. Last big band rehearsal of the fall.
Today: 5:45 call time. Senior Night. Senior parents should go to the stadium and wait for the announcement. We will do senior speeches after the concert. Please tell your parents.
ONLINE STORE ORDERS WILL BE HERE 4TH PERIOD: pick up your orders in the band room after class.
Jazz Ensemble: Thanks for your patience yesterday. Since we don't have school Monday, we will rehearse Tuesday 8-9pm in the auditorium (not 7-9pm). We have V-Show runthroughs after school Wednesday/Thursday...please bring homework...you will have plenty of downtime.
V-Show Drumline: make sure your music is completely memorized for next Wednesday.
Jazz Quintet: Act II runthrough Tuesday. Full runthroughs Wednesday/Thursday.
Columbus Day Parade: call time is 9:45am Monday. Bus rolls at 10am.
Clarinet Sectionals Today: work on show memorization. Saxophones and Horns Tuesday - work on audition materials.
IOUs: Agopian ($4), Allen ($12), Baker ($5), Binder ($3), Brossard ($4), Cortes ($3), Costa ($4), Courtney ($4), Dave ($4), Deelsnyder ($2), Fernando ($4), King ($4), Krueger ($3), Mallett ($2.50), Mayer ($4), Meyer ($4), Montalvo ($6), Nykiel ($4), Pawlikowski ($3), Safakas (4), Sangani ($2), Shachter ($5), Singh ($3), Urbanowicz ($3), Walton ($4), Wood ($4), Worsham ($51+$1+5+$3), C. Zielinski ($8). ALL SNARES ($11.62), ALL TENORS ($23.75), ALL CYMBALS ($15).