-CB Sectionals: Celtic
-Online store closes Dec. 1st. Get your Outback Tour shirt ordered now.
-Pep Band today. Orchestra winds & percussion 3rd.
-Monday (Dec. 2nd) WS will be seeing NIU Steel Band at Arts Alive.
-Monday (Dec. 2nd) all percussion students are on a field trip periods 2 & 3.
-Adopt-A-Fam: We are $137 short of our goal. Everyone throw in a buck today.
-Macy's Parade: Watch it tomorrow. Get inspired. You're on a national stage in just 5 weeks! Learn from these bands.
-Jordan Lynch for president! 321 yards last night. That's nuts! He should be on the Heisman list. Go HUSKIES!!
-HORNS GO HOME FOR THE WEEKEND... Concert music. Long tones everyday. Memorize the Outback music.
-Happy Thanksgivukkah tomorrow. Enjoy this important time with family and friends.