MVP's: Kyle Watson, Sebastian Lopez, Nupur Thakkar, Evan Humphrey, Aeden Humphrey, Jemi Kim, Thomas Young, Neeti Joshi, Kevin Staudt, Jessica Sorg, Theresa Alberth, Austin Morales-Sanchez, Sam Hessian, Jake Long, Tyler Skuran, Mikey Mayer.
NIU Band Day: Excellent work this weekend. Way to represent your band and school with good rehearsal, manners, and an outstanding performance. Great day, great experience.
New Orleans Trip: If you are interested in going on the trip, we can take new entries until Friday. If interested, see a director for a registration packet.
Sectionals: Trumpets today. Work on Copland Music with step-offs. Tomorrow Saxes and Horns.
Drumline/Front Ensemble: Sectionals tonight 7pm-9pm
ILMEA Pre-Auditions: sign up to be heard by a director on the whiteboard. All auditionees are HIGHLY encouraged to check out an ILMEA workshop (September 17th through 23rd depending on the school). Check out the music office bulletin board. If you want to go to Vandercook's workshops, you need to register by this Friday.
Jazz Auditions: Packets have been posted to your Schoology pages under the Resources folder. Reading band sessions will begin Today and run Mondays from 3-4:30. Make what you can to get better grasp on the materials.
GREAT Concert Review Opportunity: next Sunday, September 20th, the National Brass Ensemble will perform at 3pm at Symphony Center. This ensemble features members of the Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Boston, and San Francisco Symphonies. THIS WILL BE AWESOME. Click here for more information.
IOUs (these need to be paid within the week - we add interest for Adopt-A-Family every Monday):
WS: Di Sandro ($4), Rowley ($4), Wilkes ($4).
SB: Brito ($5), Meyer ($4), Sandoval ($16), Szymoniak ($29).
Cadet: Fisher ($7), Franco ($4), Gruenwald ($4), Rogalski ($4), Skidmore ($4), Ward ($4)
CB: Allen ($3), Vidales ($6), Wood ($4).