-Semester Reviews are due today. If you submit yours on Schoology, please also include a picture of your proof of attendance.
-Great free concert this weekend: Northwestern University Symphonic Wind Ensemble is playing at Millennium Park Sunday at 6:30 (free). Program includes Nimrod from Enigma Variations, Bohme's Trumpet Concerto (soloist Robert Sullivan - new professor of trumpet at NU), and SYMPHONIC DANCES FROM WEST SIDE STORY. Get a group of friends together, bring a picnic basket, and enjoy a great concert outdoors.
-Still have a uniform out? Those need to be here today.
-IOU's: Walls $2.50, Mitchell $5.50, Jorgensen $2.50, Anderson, M. $5, Novak $4.50, Hacm $4.50.
-All instruments go home for the long weekend.