Uniforms: if you've paid and turned in your uniform contract, your uniform should be in the department hallway. Please check and take these uniforms home today!
Missing Uniform Contracts/Payments:
WS: Godana, Montalvo, Radons (contract only), Zagorski
SB: Binder, Browne, Habib, Lopez-Rodela, Tamason
Cadet: Mendoza, Olvera, Patel, Romano, Rosas
CB: Arient, DeLeon, Freiburger, Jorgensen, Maheras, Ray, Skidmore
BIG BAND TODAY! Main field.
rSchool Registration: due this Friday - on the SHS Activities website.
Syllabus Acknowledgement Form: due this Friday on Schoology.
All instruments need to go home after school today. We have 5 rehearsals until the first game of the year!