-Today's quote sure rings true for our send off today. Thank you to those who played. This is your school and you need to do these things. You are only in high school once. Be present.
-Jazzers...thank you so much for yesterday's exchange. It was great for us to play in front of a different audience. It was also great to do some jamming. That is the true essence of jazz, that folks can just get together and just play. It was also cool just to have the hang out time afterwards. The LA kids really liked you midwesterners.
-Jazz drummers: Pack up the drum kit.
-FINAL Basketball game for the season is tomorrow night against Conant. Call is 6:30. It's a RED out. Conant.
-Cadets: Sectionals tomorrow. Use entire period. You can eat when you get home at 11:50!!!!