Bass Drums: Mallets are in. Thakkar -$35, Reddy - $ 38, Kelly - $40, Gniech - $46, Cotten & Worsham - $51. You'll get them when you pay and you need them for Friday.
Missing Uniform Contracts and Money (TALK TO A DIRECTOR BEFORE CLASS BEGINS): Courtney, Dave, Deluca, Foret, Jorgensen ($86), Kaufmann, Mallett, Montalvo, Pawlikowski, Sandoval, Worsham.
Missing Uniform Contracts: Cotten.
Uniforms That Need To Be Taken Home: Brossard, Dimeas, Garratt, D. Grubb, S. Jaimes, Lemar, Nakano, Nevarez-Valles, O'Mera, Phadke, Reddy, Rosinski, Ross, Scheer, Strohmeier, Szymoniak, Vaccaro, Vidales (names in bold - these uniforms have been here over 24 hours...pick up today after school or you will owe $1 to Adopt-A-Family).
Saxophone and Horn Sectionals Today: Focus on Salute to America and 76 Trombones. Work parade tunes from memory. Saxes and Horns Tuesday. Percussion 7pm Tuesday. Low Brass Wednesday. Flutes Thursday. Clarinets Friday.
Big Band: Wednesday and Friday this week on the main field. Please hurry outside...every second matters.
Student Leadership Board: we will meet tomorrow morning at 7:10am.
Call Time for Friday's Game: moved up to 5pm (was 5:15pm). Call time means you are in the band room in full uniform with your instrument fully assembled ready to go.
The Chicago Jazz Festival is coming up this weekend Thursday-Sunday in Millenium Park. This is one of the greatest jazz festivals in the world and it is FREE! Check out the schedule at:
O'Mera, Walter, Yuen: see Mr. I.