-Happy 110th birthday, Count Basie!
--Welcome back and thank you to everyone who played on the front steps this morning. This is a great SHS tradition. Don't forget the password.
-Uniforms: the following uniforms need to go home today: Anderson, Bach, Bartgen, Behrenses, Bjorkman, D. Burke, Calabrese, V. Chang, Christensen, Conley, Din, Di Sandro, Dutka, Faitz, Fentem, Garratt, Ginter, Hughes, M. Iwanski, S. Jaimes, D. Kissamis, Kitlinski, Krueger, Lima, Lopez-Rodela, Novak, Nykiel, Punatar, I. Reyna, Ross, Routson, Sangani, Shachter, Staudt, Takizawa, Urbanowicz, Valerio, Wagner, Warzynskis, Washington, Wickland, K. Zielinski.
-Online Store Orders: Baker, Hughes, Khan, Reyna, Russell, Zielinski. Pick up by the end of the day.
-Lost and Found: there are MANY items that were left after camp last week - flip folders, lyres, dot books, water bottles, clothing. If you are missing anything, check the pile on the piano today. Anything unclaimed will taken to the main office after school Friday.
-WS: two WS uniforms (formalwear) were taken home last week without being altered. Prabhakar was one...who has the other? Please check at home. It will have pins still attached.
-Music: the halftime show should be from memory at this point. Make sure you are reviewing this daily in your practice at home. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Don't be a weak link.
-Big Band: next week Wednesday/Friday. No big band tomorrow.
-IOUs: Dimeas ($5 - flip folder)