MVP's: Breznica, Chang, DeCarlo, Deelsnyder, Frullani, Godana, Greenberg, Honesty, Hinz, B. Jaimes, Kim, Kissamis, O'Mera, Otsu, Reyna, Rodatz, Siewrichol, Sorg, Stalev, Stelzer, Wilkes, Wilkes
Bake Sale Saturday: We raised $775 on Saturday. Winning Band TBD.
NIU Band Day: What an excellent day. Thank you for all of your hard work!
SMB Indoor Concert: Tonight! Call time 6:30 p.m. Don't forget black socks, black gloves, and hair needs to be up.
Seniors: Senior Night forms due today in Mr. Kirby's office.
ILMEA Auditionees: meet in the band room after school on Wednesday. I will hand out itineraries tomorrow.
Earplugs: $8 per pair. Great deal to start protecting your hearing. See a director if interested.
Trumpets Sectionals Today: work on show memorization. Saxes and Horns Tuesday, Low Brass Wednesday, Flutes Thursday, Clarinets Friday.
Auditions: Pieces are out. Auditions begin Oct. 20th.
V-Show Drumline: We will rehearse the last 45 minutes of Tuesday's Drumline sectional.
IOUs: Agopian ($4), Allen ($12), Baker ($5), Bartgen ($5), Binder ($3), Cortes ($3), Costa ($4), Courtney ($4), Deelsnyder ($2), Krueger ($3), Mayer ($4), Meyer ($4), Montalvo ($6), Pawlikowski ($3), Sangani ($2), Shachter ($5), Singh ($3), Urbanowicz ($3), Vaporis ($7), Wood ($4), Worsham ($51+$1+5+$3), C. Zielinski ($8). ALL SNARES ($11.62), ALL TENORS ($23.75), ALL CYMBALS ($15).