WS: Dave, Deelsnyder, Foret, Mathew
SB: Anderson, Chang, Jaimes, Lewis, Paton, Ross, Wright
Cadet: Baker, Christensen, S. Jaimes, Jorgensen, O'Mera, Strohmeier, Wood
CB: Cotten, Deluca, Urbanowicz, Worsham, Zagorski
Missing Uniform Contracts and Money: Dave, Deluca, Jorgensen, Mallett, Pawlikowski
Missing Uniform Contracts: Cotten, Kaufmann, Monalvo (see Mr. I). See Mr. I for a new contract if needed.
Uniforms That Need To Be Taken Home: Brossard, Courtney, Dimeas, D. Grubb, Nevarez-Valles, Rosinski, Sandoval, Scheer, Strohmeier, Szymoniak, Worsham (names in bold - these uniforms have been here over 24 will owe $1 per additional day they remain here).
Upperclassmen Who Ordered New Band Shoes: they are on top of the uniform rack in the hallway. Please take home asap. Freshman shoes/member shirts will be delivered later this week.
Freshmen: Shoes and Member Shirts are in. Take your box home TODAY.
Flute Sectionals Today: Focus on Salute to America and 76 Trombones. Work parade tunes from memory. Clarinets Friday.
Big Band: tomorrow. Read the announcements and hurry outside!
IOU's: Brossard ($2), Courtney ($1), Dimeas ($1), D. Grubb ($1), Cotten ($51), Gniech ($46), Kelly ($40), Nevarez-Valles ($1), Reddy ($38), Rosinski ($2), Sandoval ($1), Scheer ($1), Szymoniak ($2), Thakkar ($35), Worsham ($51+$1).
Friday Call Times: Drumline 4:00, Front Ensemble 4:15, Winds, Brass, and Guard 5:00.